Marigolds, saved from seed, fourth generation. They are more beautiful and hardier each year.
Heat indexes of up to 108 degrees, brief showers here and there, and yet, with the help of my watering can in the morning and evening, there are still many plants thriving. My peppers, no matter how much I soak them, still suffer wilting in the heat, but at night they come back to their full glory.
It makes me so very happy to see my garden beds so full and joyous. Gardening is almost as important to me as writing. I have always wanted to mother, as far back as I can remember, and all my pursuits are a form of mothering. When I write, I nurture each thought into words. Gardening involves tending and caring for each plant, looking them over for individual needs. I work threads, fabric and yarns into a new creation, loving the craft and the person the gift is for as I labor. As for my family, no such thought as extended applies. They are all mine, loved as much as a child, sister, brother. Like my gardens, these all make me so completely happy.
Chocolate mint, ahhh, the scent is like a peppermint patty, causing me to almost forget the heat for a moment. Wonderful refreshment on a horribly steamy day.
One of the grape vines, first year, and to the left you might be able to make out the branches from one of the blueberry bushes. This grape vine in particular, a concord, is growing at least 6" a day.
Sage! It is so thick and healthy. I use my herbs, drying them or using them fresh in teas.
White petunias, easy to save the seed.
From left to right: marigolds, coleus grown from cuttings, my favorite coloring in caladiums, grown from bulbs, and in back, between the coleus and caladium, purple petunias.
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